Welcome To SAHMS
To encourage the study of Hindu philosophy, religion, literature, arts and science.
The formation of the South African Hindu Maha Sabha as the national body representing the cultural and religious aspirations of South Africa’s Hindu community was the brainchild of an outstanding Sannyasin (monk) who visited South Africa in 1908. He was Swami Shankaranandaji who visited this country at the invitation of the Arya Samaj movement in Natal.
Search our website for information on Hindu festival explanations, latest news and more.
Project 108
Through this project, members of the community will be invited to contribute R108 per month through debit order. These amounts of money will be used on projects that will be of lasting benefit to the Hindu Community at national, regional and local levels
The primary goal of the Shuddha Committee is to provide a widely recognized Certification programme which will enable vegetarians to make accurate and informed food choices. Promoting a pure and peaceful lifestyle, free from animal products.
The primary goal of the Shuddha Committee is to provide a widely recognized Certification programme which will enable vegetarians to make accurate and informed food choices. Promoting a pure and peaceful lifestyle, free from animal products.
National Council Of Hindu Priests
To promote standardised practice across South Africa in the implementation of priestly duties. To monitor the Code of Ethics that promotes best practice in priestly responsibilities wil also be know as NCOHP
Auspicious Dates
Important Notices From SAHMS
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Quotes from Scriptures
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