Hanuman Jayanti

English meaning of the festival

The word Jayanti is made up of Jaya which means victory and Anta which means end. Jayanti refers to one who triumphs in the end. Hanuman Jayanti is the day on which Hanuman is celebrated since he is the one who stands victorious despite all the odds.

How the date is decided annually

Hanuman Jayanthi is observed in the month of Chaitra on the Full Moon Day (Purnima).

Significance of the festival to Hinduism

Hanuman Jayanti is the day on which Hanuman is celebrated since he is the one who stands victorious despite all the odds. Hanuman is celebrated because he had at his side Satya which is Shri Rama. Hindus worldwide start the month of Chaitra with Rama Naumee celebrations culminating on the ninth day. On the 15th day of this month, Hindus venerate arguably the greatest devotee of God, Hanuman.

How to observe/practice

It is considered auspicious to undertake a fast on the Hanuman Jayanti day in the name of Lord Hanuman. Hanuman Jayanthi is marked by fasting, prayer and a sumptuous vegetarian feast at sunset. A distinctive feature is the recitation of the of the Hanuman Chalisa. It is also appropriate that on this occasion of Hanuman Jayanthi we should try to understand the significance and relevance of this great devotee of God by reciting and discussing scriptures such as the Ramcharitmanas.

Synonyms between major Indian languages

Hanuman Jayanti

Updated 25 January 2023