Clarification of Pitra Paksh Dates and Time for 2020

This is to confirm that Pitra Paksha starts on 2 September 2020 (not 3 September 2020). Pratipada starts at 7:21 am on 2 September 2020. Aparahna Kaal (the last watch of the day) is from 1:04 pm to 3:21 pm on 2 September 2020. The Pratipada thithi is transiting during Aparahna Kaal; therefore, 2 September fulfils requirements for commencement of Pitra Paksha. Furthermore, the first day of Pitra Shraadh is inclusive of Purnima (which is present until 7:21 am on 2 September 2020). Therefore, the first water oblation should be done on 2 September 2020 (and not on 3 September 2020).The last day of Pitra Paksha is 17 September 2020. The last water oblation should be given on the morning of 17 September 2020.

To download this notice click here.
To download instructions on how to perform Tarpan(Water Oblations) click here.