Annakuta Govardhan Pooja

English meaning of the festival

Annakuta Govardhan Pooja is dedicated to Lord Krishna. Annakuta means a mountain of food. Govardhan refers to the mountain that Lord Krishna lifted to protect the people from heavy rainfall. 

How the date is decided annually

Annakuta Govardhan Pooja is celebrated a day after Deepavali/Diwali

Significance of the festival to Hinduism

The person who worships the Govardhan Hill is believed to increase devotion and belief toward Lord Krishna.

How to observe/practice

Govardhan Pooja is also referred to as Annakuta Pooja. Devotees prepare 56 varieties of satvik food, which are offered to God. Devotees place an image of Govardhan and worship it.

Updated: 23 January 2023