The law of divine justice follows a mysterious course. In the world we come across many instances of virtuous persons undergoing endless suffering and pain; sinners perpetually enjoying pleasurable lives; indolents achieving success; hard-working persons meeting repeated failures; the wise suffering adversity; fools living in prosperity; egoists held in high esteem; and the righteous held in contempt. We find some persons born with silver spoon in their mouths and others facing one misfortune after another throughout life.
For, as Socrates claimed in the Symposium, love is really no more than an intermediary, a halfway house on the way to the union of the lover with the beloved. To claim, however, an iden- tity between Vedanta and wisdom is a dangerous idea. As a system that can be studied from the words of master teachers and from ancient texts, it is no more than a guide that may point in the direc- tion of the truth. Wisdom, on the other hand, is practical. The wise live what they know. They practise it in their lives. No words, spoken or written, can do this on behalf of anyone. Hence Vedanta as a system is a kind of manual of wisdom, not wisdom itself.
HOW TO BECOME A HINDU IS DEDICATED TO MY SATGURU AND ALL THOSE BEFORE HIM IN OUR LINEAGE, DATING BACK 2,200 YEARS. SATGURUÍiva Yogaswâmî (1872–1964), paramaguru of over two mil- lion Sri Lankan Hindus, had the vision, the foresight, to fulfill my request to enter the Íaivite religion in 1949 and receive my nâmakara∫a saμskâra and the love and support to this day of the Tamil religious community for over fifty years.
Vegetarianism, known in Sanskrit as Shakahara, was for thousands of years a principle of health and environmental ethics throughout the Sanathan Dharma world. In Sanathan Dharma, life is of the Divine, an emanation of the Source and part of a cosmic continuum. The ancient thinkers of our Sanathan Dharma held that each life form, even water and trees, possesses consciousness and energy.
Thirukkural is a precious gem among the classics, unique in the deliverance of code of conduct to the mankind to follow for all time to come. It enshrines in it 1330 couplets under 133 chapters, each chapter comprising 10 verses. The chapters again fall under three major divisions. Virtue, Wealth and Love.
It sounds strange but is true that every human life is influenced by the effects of planetary behavior, their good or bad placement, which type of affects they are receiving from other planets through their mutual placements or aspects. Favorable relations improve the quality of function allocated to these and if they are inimical to each other or even a single out of two is inimical in behavior, effects of such planet are reflected adversely on that person
The law of divine justice follows a mysterious course. In the world we come across many instances of virtuous persons undergoing endless suffering and pain; sinners perpetually enjoying pleasurable lives; indolents achieving success; hard-working persons meeting repeated failures; the wise suffering adversity; fools living in prosperity; egoists held in high esteem; and the righteous held in contempt. We find some persons born with silver spoon in their mouths and others facing one misfortune after another throughout life.