What is Initiative 108?

The South African Hindu Maha Sabha (SAHMS) is the umbrella body of all Hindu religious bodies in South Africa. It has over 200 affiliates. The Maha Sabha was established in 1912 with the express purpose of creating unity among all Hindus in South Africa.
Today the Sabha is recognized as the voice of Hindus in South Africa, across the religious, cultural, social, corporate and political landscapes. Due to the economic, social and moral issues plaguing our community in recent times, there is now more than ever a growing demand on the Sabha, from the community, for all sorts of social intervention. The Sabha has therefore taken a mandate to “raise the ceiling” of the organisation. In so doing it deals with many “grass roots issues” faced by the community it services. Moreover, the Sabha and its affiliates have over the years been involved in many upliftments and social welfare projects. It seeks to build on these platforms and take them to the next level.
The numerous problems plaguing our community such as poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, moral degeneration, crime, etc. are issues that need serious intervention.
The Sabha in partnership with its affiliates and other NGOs providing support for domestic violence and substance abuse address these issues on various platforms and on the ground.
However, in order to address the growing problems in the community and the increasing demands on the faith sector, the Sabha has elevated the services it offers. To this end, some of the more recent undertakings by the Sabha include: employment creation initiatives through entrepreneurship and skills training, wellness initiatives at RK Khan Hospital, Priest accreditation programme with HWSETA, mediation, professional mentoring and coaching, feeding schemes, distribution of food parcels, winter warmth, provision of water; educational support; care of the physically and mentally challenged, orphans and the elderly to name a few.
These programmes all fall under Project 108 and are all run under the directorship of trained professionals in the respective fields.
To do more of this and extend the services it offers, financial resources are essential to give the community the service it deserves.
We are living in stressful times with serious economic, social and moral challenges. There are now more than ever before far greater expectations and demands on the South African Hindu Maha Sabha from the Hindu community and beyond from those in need.
With the above in mind, the SA Hindu Maha Sabha launched Initiative 108 as part of its centenary celebrations in 2012. The number 108 is highly significant and auspicious for Hindus. Initiative 108 is the Welfare and Seva Chapter of SAHMS based on the principle of “Nishkaam Seva” (unconditional, selfless service), and is driven by the motto of SAHMS, “Vasudeva Kutumbakam” – The World is One Family.
According to the Bhagwad Gita (17.20), “Charity given out of duty, without expectation of return, at the proper time and place, and to a worthy person is considered to be in the mode of goodness” (Nishkam Karma). Some give money, while others offer time and labour in support of worthy causes. Charity that is given as a matter of duty, desiring nothing in return, to a deserving candidate at the right place and time, is called sattvikam (Bhagavad Gita (17.21)
The Objective of the Initiative 108 project is to set up several categories of projects in partnership with affiliates which include, but is not limited to:
Feeding Schemes, distribution of food parcels, clothing, entrepreneurship and job creation, providing support to clinics, hospitals, and the like; winter warmth, provision of water; counselling and life skills services; educational support; care of the physically and mentally challenged, orphans and the elderly as some of our diverse projects.
The intention is to build bridges between people of different races, cultures and religions, to promote goodwill, tolerance and mutual respect, and harmonious coexistence, in keeping with the basic principles and tenets of Hinduism.
The “Initiative 108” Program is managed in a transparent and accountable manner, like all ventures of the South African Maha Sabha, and is subject to independent audit. Donors qualify for a section 18 Tax exemption certificate.
Through the “Initiative 108 ” Program members of the community are urged to contribute a minimum of R108 per month by debit order. These funds are to be used on projects listed above and new ones that will be of lasting benefit to the Community.
The number 108 is highly significant and auspicious for Hindus. We believe in the power of many and understand that although it may seem like a small amount when contributed by thousands can make a significant difference.
The “Initiative 108” Program is:
– Managed in a transparent and accountable manner and is subject to independent audit.
– Has been established as the Seva Chapter of SAHMS based on the basic pillars and philosophy of Hinduism “Nishkaam Seva” (unconditional service)
– Program is driven by the motto of SAHMS, “Vasudeva Kutumbakam” – The World is One Family
The Objective of the “Initiative 108” Program is: to “Better the lives of all Hindus by providing the much-needed services of employment creation, dealing with social ills, professional counselling, and wellness.” These services will be delivered through the projects listed above
The South African Hindu Maha Sabha (SAHMS) is the umbrella body of all Hindu religious bodies in South Africa. It has over 200 affiliates. The Maha Sabha was established in 1912 with the express purpose of creating unity among all Hindus in South Africa.
Today the Sabha is recognized as the voice of Hindus in South Africa, across the religious, cultural, social, corporate and political landscapes. Due to the economic, social and moral issues plaguing our community in recent times, there is now more than ever a growing demands on the Sabha, from the community, for all sorts of social intervention. The Sabha has therefore taken a mandate to “raise the ceiling” of the organisation. In so doing it deals with many “grass roots issues” faced by the community it services. Moreover, the Sabha and its affiliates have over the years been involved in many upliftment and social welfare projects. It seeks to build on these platforms and take them to the next level
Initiative 108 focuses solely on philanthropy, welfare, charity and voluntarism. As South African Hindus, we have a civic responsibility towards social cohesion. The principles of generosity, hospitality, philanthropy and charity are distinctive hallmarks of the Hindu religion and culture and are very evident during crises such as droughts, floods, and epidemics.
The Hindu term for philanthropy or welfare is dana – viewed essential part of dharma or religious duty, and also incorporates Seva or selfless service to those in need. Hinduism promotes morality, fairness, equality and justice, and liberation from poverty, inequality, vulnerability and deprivation
The numerous problems plaguing our community such as poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, moral degeneration, crime, etc. are issues that need serious intervention.
The Sabha in partnership with its affiliates and other NGOs providing support for domestic violence and substance abuse address these issues on various platforms and on the ground.
However, in order to address the growing problems in the community and the increasing demands on the faith sector, the Sabha has elevated the services it offers. To this end, some of the more recent undertakings by the Sabha include: employment creation initiatives through entrepreneurship and skills training, wellness initiatives at RK Khan Hospital, Priest accreditation programme with HWSETA, mediation, professional mentoring and coaching, feeding schemes, distribution of food parcels, winter warmth, provision of water; educational support; care of the physically and mentally challenged, orphans and the elderly to name a few.
These programmes all fall under Project 108 and are all run under the directorship of trained professionals in the respective fields.
To do more of this and extend the services it offers, financial resources are essential to give the community the service it deserves.
What is most needed right now is for Donors to step up and start funding these Initiatives. We need long-term commitment from our Community, corporates and small businesses and Affiliates. We have a debit order system for individuals who wish to donate a small amount monthly, to larger corporates who wish to assist with larger amounts or products. We have been blessed in gaining momentum from the Covid Relief projects to date with a lot of support from our community. These donors have touched and saved the lives of many needy South Africans.
Further to this, we would like to invite Volunteers to help with our projects. This serves 2 fold, it allows our Seva to be done far more effectively with more hands, as well as seen and spread nationally to attract more donors.
Section 18A tax certificates are available for all donors should they need them.
We are living in stressful times with serious economic, social and moral challenges. There are now more than ever before far greater expectations and demands on the South African Hindu Maha Sabha from the Hindu community and beyond from those in need.
With the above in mind, the SA Hindu Maha Sabha launched Initiative 108 as part of its centenary celebrations in 2012. The number 108 is highly significant and auspicious for Hindus. Initiative 108 is the Welfare and Seva Chapter of SAHMS based on the principle of “Nishkaam Seva” (unconditional, selfless service), and is driven by the motto of SAHMS, “Vasudeva Kutumbakam” – The World is One Family.
According to the Bhagwad Gita (17.20), “Charity given out of duty, without expectation of return, at the proper time and place, and to a worthy person is considered to be in the mode of goodness” (Nishkam Karma). Some give money, while others offer time and labour in support of worthy causes. Charity that is given as a matter of duty, desiring nothing in return, to a deserving candidate at the right place and time, is called sattvikam (Bhagavad Gita (17.21)
The Objective of the Initiative 108 project is to set up several categories of projects in partnership with affiliates which include, but is not limited to:
Feeding Schemes, distribution of food parcels, clothing, entrepreneurship and job creation, providing support to clinics, hospitals, and the like; winter warmth, provision of water; counselling and life skills services; educational support; care of the physically and mentally challenged, orphans and the elderly as some of our diverse projects.
The intention is to build bridges between people of different races, cultures and religions, to promote goodwill, tolerance and mutual respect, and harmonious coexistence, in keeping with the basic principles and tenets of Hinduism.
The “Initiative 108” Program is managed in a transparent and accountable manner, like all ventures of the South African Maha Sabha, and is subject to independent audit. Donors qualify for a section 18 Tax exemption certificate.
Through the “Initiative 108 ” Program members of the community are urged to contribute a minimum of R108 per month by debit order. These funds are to be used on projects listed above and new ones that will be of lasting benefit to the Community.
The number 108 is highly significant and auspicious for Hindus. We believe in the power of many and understand that although it may seem like a small amount when contributed by thousands can make a significant difference.
The “Initiative 108” Program is:
– Managed in a transparent and accountable manner and is subject to independent audit.
– Has been established as the Seva Chapter of SAHMS based on the basic pillars and philosophy of Hinduism “Nishkaam Seva” (unconditional service)
– Program is driven by the motto of SAHMS, “Vasudeva Kutumbakam” – The World is One Family
The Objective of the “Initiative 108” Program is: to “Better the lives of all Hindus by providing the much-needed services of employment creation, dealing with social ills, professional counselling, and wellness.” These services will be delivered through the projects listed above
The South African Hindu Maha Sabha (SAHMS) is the umbrella body of all Hindu religious bodies in South Africa. It has over 200 affiliates. The Maha Sabha was established in 1912 with the express purpose of creating unity among all Hindus in South Africa.
Today the Sabha is recognized as the voice of Hindus in South Africa, across the religious, cultural, social, corporate and political landscapes. Due to the economic, social and moral issues plaguing our community in recent times, there is now more than ever a growing demands on the Sabha, from the community, for all sorts of social intervention. The Sabha has therefore taken a mandate to “raise the ceiling” of the organisation. In so doing it deals with many “grass roots issues” faced by the community it services. Moreover, the Sabha and its affiliates have over the years been involved in many upliftment and social welfare projects. It seeks to build on these platforms and take them to the next level
- SAHMS had supported the South African Red Cross – in its Xenophobia relief efforts. Both food hampers and clothing were made available through Red Cross
- SAHMS worked with RK Khan Hospital in the construction of 3 consulting rooms and the upgrade of a waiting room for patients to take blood samples.
- Employment creation at Bufflesdale school and community through micro-industry creation
- Setting up of crisis intervention centre dealing with domestic violence, substance abuse
- Fund Raising for Phoenix Community Hospice
- Financial Contributions towards the UKZN Abused Desk for Women
- Financial Contributions towards Blind and Deaf Society
- Support and assistance to Shree Veeraboga Temple in hosting the Annual Mass Wedding
Initiative 108 Covid Relief Drive was then extended and distributed to Affiliates to help in some way to their communities directly at Grass Root level.
Hampers were put together to be able to support a family for a month and contained a substantial food pack and immune Boosters. The SAHMS was overwhelmed by the support received from the public with individuals supporting by donating even 1 hamper and making a difference. Corporates and business owners alike stepped up and donated generously towards the Covid Relief initiatives.
To date over 3000 Food Hampers have been distributed to a value of over R900 000.
The team went on to put a Woman Toiletries pack together to the value of R250 each. Again through the support of donors, within 2 weeks 1000 Woman toiletry packs were distributed via SAHMS Affiliates with a total value of R250000.
Initiative 108 then heed the global call for assistance in India. Through talks with the Indian Consulate in South Africa, SAHMS raised funds to the value of R1.1m and donated 75 Oxygenators out of 100 distributed by the Swaminaryan BAPS South Africa to India. This collaboration with BAPS was well received by all and expediated to assist India during this traumatic time.
Initiative 108 continues to support a variety of Old Age homes with food and sanitary items on a regular basis within KZN.
Initiative 108 has embarked on a School Project where we assist underprivileged kids with uniforms and other needs to assist them with furthering their education. We have to date delivered over 300 full uniforms including shoes.
Initiative 108 since its inception has annually donated over 500 blankets towards old age homes and Families requiring blankets. These blankets for families are accompanied by a substantial Food hamper.
Initiative 108 managed to secure a donor that manufacture and supplies twice a year over 1000 items of clothing for children. We distribute this clothing to a variety of kids’ homes and organisations to reach the needy and underprivileged.
During the disastrous and destructive floods in KZN in 2022, Initiative 108 answered the call to many community kitchens, old age homes, childrens homes and families by supplying bulk food and water, hampers and blankets.
The South African Hindu Maha Sabha is embarking on a drive to distribute essential items throughout KZN. For financial contributions please use the following banking details:
Donate to the cause via EFT using bank account details with reference KZN Floods:
If you would like to help the initiative email us on info@sahms.org.za.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page to get updates about this relief drive. We will be sharing status updates about this project regularly.
For more information or to get involved email info@sahms.org.za or message our Facebook page.
Link to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SAHinduMahaSabha
The South African Hindu Maha Sabha is embarking on a drive to distribute essential items throughout KZN. For financial contributions please use the following banking details:
Donate to the cause via EFT using bank account details with reference “Essentials Dr”:
Account Name: SAHMS 108;
Standard Bank Acc No.: 273256092;
Account type: current account;
Branch code: 044926;
Branch Name:
Swift code: SBZAZAJJ.
If you would like to help the initiative email us on info@sahms.org.za.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page to get updates about this relief drive. We will be sharing status updates about this project regularly.
For more information or to get involved email info@sahms.org.za or message our Facebook page.
Link to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SAHinduMahaSabha
Khan Road informal settlement, Raisthorpe in Pietermaritzburg update – Read update
Donate to the cause via EFT using bank account details with reference “Womens Drive”:
Account Name: SAHMS 108;
Standard Bank Acc No.: 273256092;
Account type: current account;
Branch code: 044926;
Branch Name:
Swift code: SBZAZAJJ.
To donate items for distribution kindly email info@sahms.org.za and we will make arrangements to collect or receive the items available.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page to get updates about this relief drive. We will be sharing status updates about this project regularly.
For more information or to get involved email info@sahms.org.za or message our Facebook page.
Link to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SAHinduMahaSabha
Project 108 has heed the call from struggling Old Age Homes and has begun supplying groceries and toiletries.
We have begun by supplying the following homes:
- ABH – Aryan Benevolent Home
- Verulam day and frail care
- Clare estate senior citizens.
We call on donors to help with funds, groceries or toiletries to assist more old age homes. Now is the time to make a difference, no donation is too small. Donate to the cause via EFT using bank account details with reference “Old Age Home”:
Account Name: SAHMS 108;
Standard Bank Acc No.: 273256092;
Account type: current account;
Branch code: 044926;
Branch Name:
Swift code: SBZAZAJJ.
The South African Hindu Maha Sabha and it’s affiliates are embarking on a relief drive to assist families and individuals in our community that are most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Food packs and booster packs will be distributed for free to those who can be supported by this drive. If you are in need of support, simply message the SAHMS Facebook page with your full name, contact number and physical address or email your details to info@sahms.org.za and a SAHMS official will get back to you.
Limited resources permit us to assist a finite number of people at a time, your understanding with this regard is appreciated.
Donate to the cause via EFT using bank account details with reference “COVID Relief”:
Account Name: SAHMS 108;
Standard Bank Acc No.: 273256092;
Account type: current account;
Branch code: 044926;
Branch Name:
Swift code: SBZAZAJJ.
Kindly use your name or company name as the reference for payment. To donate items for distribution email info@sahms.org.za and we will make arrangements to collect or receive the items available.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page to get updates about this relief drive. We will be sharing status updates about this project regularly.
For more information or to get involved email info@sahms.org.za or message our Facebook page.
Link to our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SAHinduMahaSabha